Six String Fingerpicking Courses and Lessons

Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles – Fingerstyle Guitar Tutorial and TAB

Ray Charles






In this lesson we’re going to learn how to play a really cool fingerstyle arrangement of the classic song Hit the Road Jack.

Hit the Road Jack was written by Percy Mayfield but it was Ray Charles who really popularised it when he released his version in 1961. It quickly went to the number one spot on the US Billboard Hot 100 and remains one of the most loved and well known rhythm and blues songs of all time.

This arrangement is truly great fun to play! It’s upbeat and always on the move so you have to think fast but I’m sure you’ll love playing it once you’ve got it down. I’d say that this arrangement of Hit the Road Jack is best suited the intermediate and above fingerpicker.

OK, let’s get into it and start learning how to play Hit the Road Jack!

Learn To Play Hit the Road Jack


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Hit the Road Jack Guitar Lesson (Part One)

In this first lesson we’re going to learn how to play the intro and the chorus of Hit the Road Jack. The intro is really quite straightforward and you shouldn’t struggle too much. The chorus, however, is a lot more complicated. There are twists and turns everywhere, plus some tricky chords to get under your fingers. Dive in and enjoy!

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Hit the Road Jack Guitar Lesson (Part Two)

OK, now let’s learn how to play the rest of the song. First off we’ll learn the verse, which I’d say is perhaps just a little easier than the chorus. Then we’ll have a look at the outro – if you’ve made it this far then you’ll be fine!

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