In this lesson, we’re going to learn four basic acoustic drum beats that you can play whilst strumming chords simultaneously.
These acoustic drum beats replicate exactly what a drummer would play in a simple pop song. The idea of this lesson is to get you banging on your guitar and getting it to not only look cool but to also sound great too. One of the many qualities of the acoustic guitar is its capacity to be used as a convincing drum, and with a little practice it works incredibly well.
People have been using the acoustic guitar percussively since shortly after its invention, and over the past century the style has evolved greatly. There are countless techniques you can learn, ranging from a very simple tap on the strings to full blown complicated drum rudiments played all over the body.
I believe this style, and the guitar in general, is still in its infancy and that acoustic guitar drumming will continue to evolve for many years to come. I hope that this lesson inspires you to dig deeper into percussive guitar and to continue to study rhythm and drumming further.